Emily Adams BIBA Winner
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“The Very Real World of Emily Adams,” by Samantha Rose

The next recommendation is for anyone who loves unique romances. The Very Real World of Emily Adams, by Samantha Rose, is an urban fantasy novel tied in with a unique romance. Also, this book just won the “2020 Best Indie Book Award, Urban Fantasy.” 

This is a debut novel for Utah author Samantha Rose, so to win this kind of award is really incredible.

In this book you meet Emily Adams right as she’s lost everything. Injured from a fight with her now officially-ex-boyfriend, she’s fled to an unfamiliar city with nothing but the change in her pocket. As hope slips away, she seeks to put a permanent end to her pain . . . until she has an enchanting encounter with a magic man in a dress.

Given a new chance at life, Emily embarks on a journey with her new BFF, and a band of eccentric musicians. As her feelings start to grow for the lead singer, she wonders if she actually deserves to love, and be loved, again. But right as she starts to feel like love might be a possibility, strange creatures start popping up, and she must depend on magic and strength she didn’t know she had, to save the ones that mean the most to her.

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