🏆 2023 BIBA® Non-Fiction: Metaphysical Winner!

Dream It to Do it: The Science & the Magic

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🏆 2023 BIBA® Non-Fiction: Metaphysical Winner!

Do you wonder sometimes how and why you’re here?

What ‘here’ even is, and who ‘You’ are in the greater scheme of things?

Are you feeling increasing overwhelm and despair about the world around you because it’s taken such a dark turn?
If these questions resonate with you – then this is THE book which finally explains it all.

This is a very powerful book by a physician and long-time scientific explorer of the various realms of consciousness. The doctor recently ‘felt called’ to write and share this spiritually and scientifically integrated book of ‘Revelations’ for these troubled times.

It’s a user-friendly ‘manual of initiation’ into the underlying mysteries of our existence that explains how reality works!
• This revealed Knowledge is the ultimate Power!
• Overcome the ‘Dark Forces’ separating us from each other and Nature
• Discover the ‘World-behind-the-world’
• Tap into your ‘inner magical powers’
• Learn ‘how to shift reality’ to ‘manifest ‘a more satisfying reality for us all

Howard Eisenberg

I have a ‘deep’ and long history exploring the various realms of consciousness and learning everything I could in multiple fields of knowledge & science in my passionate attempt to figure out what it’s all about.

My interest stems back to my personal childhood ‘experiences’ of being able to somewhat navigate into other levels/dimensions of reality and also my curiousity about ‘what’ we truly are and ‘why’ we are ‘here’.

I was awarded the first University postgraduate degree for research in Parapsychology in Canada, at McGill University in Montreal, for my research on ‘Telepathy’. And I pioneered the instruction of Parapsychology as a regular credit course at the University of Toronto.

I authored the book, “Inner Spaces: Parapsychological Explorations of the Mind”, and hosted the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s C.B.C. national radio program, “Odyssey”.

I am also a medical doctor specializing in ‘Mind/Body’ Medicine and Psychotherapy, and additionally a Management Consultant & Trainer heading up my own international company, Syntrek Inc.

My new award winning book, “Dream it to Do it: The Science & the Magic”, is the successful culmination of my life-long quest to discover HOW REALITY WORKS!

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