🏆 2023 BIBA® Short Story Collection Winner!

Uncooperative Characters: Whimsical Tales and Preposterous Parodies

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🏆 2023 BIBA® Short Story Collection Winner!

Meet a group of Uncooperative Characters in this (mostly) humorous collection of 25 quirky short stories, including a teapot private eye hired by a silver spoon femme fatale, a mystic who can only give Magic 8 Ball responses, three spies who play a deadly game of rock-paper-scissors, a serial killer who has a dispute with the story’s narrator, an author who convenes a Zoom meeting of stock characters, and more. Twenty more, to be exact.

Pete Simons is the author of “Uncooperative Characters,” “The Coyote” and “White as Snow.” A graduate of Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, he is an ex-finance professional who worked in the petroleum business and the agricultural industry. After retiring from finance, he joined the Teach for America program and attempted to teach high school physics, landing him in therapy with a whole new appreciation for high school professionals. He lives in Minnesota but grew up in New Jersey, which explains a lot. But to know what it explains you would have to know him. Mr. Simons evidently learned nothing whatsoever from the process of publishing three works of fiction, since he is currently mulling ideas for a fourth. He is also actively searching for a new biographer.

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