2025 Submissions Are Open!
Time left to enter:

2025 BIBA® Book Illustration Contest


The Annual BIBA® Best Illustration Contest recognizes excellence in Children’s books, Graphic Novels, or Comic illustration.

BIBA Book Illustration Contest

Entry Fee: $50 USD

Winning trophies will go to the person who submitted the entry and payment, whether that be the illustrator or the author.  Regardless of who submits the entry, we need the illustrator’s name, so don’t skip that field on the form.

*No erotica.

Entries are limited to independently (indie) published books, including those from small presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors. All submissions must be written in English.

(Winners are announced by November 30th of each year.)

2025 Submission Form:

Who is filling out the form? *

Are you the Illustrator, Author, or Representative Entering on Behalf of Designer?

Author or Representative Email

If you are the author or representative, and are entering on behalf of the illustrator, please enter your email here. (The illustrator’s email field is further down the form.) Please provide us with the author’s correct email address. (Please make sure it is correct.) *Use only lowercase letters. If you are a representative of the author, you are still required to provide the author’s direct email. This email must match the email address you put on your billing information. Please note: Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL addresses are not well-supported. This is no fault of ours, but rather a problem within AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail. If you want to get your confirmation and announcements, do not use Yahoo, Hotmail, or AOL. Please white-list us: support@bestindiebookaward.com and bestindiebookaward@gmail.com

Real Name *

(Only for our records. Not displayed.) Name of Illustrator, Author or Representative. (Person filling out the form.)

Name Used As Illustrator *

(This can be your real name, a pseudonym, or business name etc.) This is the name we will use on promotions, on the trophy, and on this site, should you win. If you are the author, we need the illustrator’s name in this field.

Illustrator’s Email Address *

Make sure to use an email where we can contact the illustrator with questions, should it be necessary. (If entering for the illustrator, please be sure this is the illustrator’s correct email address.)

Mailing Address *

Please list your full mailing address, including the Country and zip (postal code). (Remember, we send the award to the person who submitted the entry and payment, whether that be the author or the illustrator.)

Contact Phone Number *

(In case we have any questions about your entry.)

Type of Illustration *

*No erotica.

Name Of Book *

(Name of the Book, Graphic Novel, or Comic)

Name of Author *

Release Date *

Date the book was released. (We do not accept books that are on pre-order slated for release past the submission deadline date of August 15th.)

Credited in Book *

The illustrator must be listed either inside the book or on the cover.

Illustration Upload

No erotica. (Provide at least 4 sample images. They can be in one pdf, etc. Images should be at least 400px wide and all from same book. If possible, please provide a file containing the entire book. File formats: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, epub, mobi, doc, docx, pdf) If you have any problems uploading your file, please submit the form without it and then email the file, including the name of the book and illustrator, to bestindiebookaward@gmail.com

We are not accepting hard copies at this time.

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Link To Where The Book Is Available *

Amazon link etc. (Book must be currently available to the public.) This is to verify that you are credited as the illustrator.

Your Website

(Optional) Link to more information about you. We’ll also use this for promotions if you win.

Additional Info

Any important information you want to add about your entry.

Terms *

By submitting an entry, you agree to our Terms, and you understand that this is a contest and that no refunds are given. See Full Terms Here (Opens in separate window.)


If uploading files using this form, the file will begin to upload after you click the Add To Cart button below.) You will be taken to the cart once this process has completed. The time it takes will depend on the size of the file and your internet connection. (It may take up to several minutes.) If you have any problems with uploading your files, please submit the form without them and then email the files, including the name of the book and author to bestindiebookaward@gmail.com


The Annual BIBA® Best Illustration Contest brings increased recognition and exposure to exemplary Book Illustrators.

Winning Illustrators will receive a physical award trophy, electronic emblem image to use for display, a listing on this site as a winning illustrator, and promotion across multiple social media outlets.

We retain the right to use the author name, illustrator name, any images or likenesses, and the winning book and illustrations in promotions, emails, on this site, across social media platforms, and in any other way we see fit to promote the winners or this site.