2024 Submission Deadline:

2024 Best Indie Book Awards | Official Entry


🏆 Welcome to the 12th Annual Best Indie Book Award Contest🏆

$2000 Book Of The Year Grand Prize

(The 2024 BIBA Book of the Year Cash Prize has now risen to $2,000.00 U. S. dollars.)

When you enter the Best Indie Book Award contest, if you win in any category, your book will automatically be entered into the BIBA Book of the Year competition. Click here for more details.

Best Indie Book Award® (or BIBA®) is an international literary contest recognizing outstanding achievements by indie authors. Entries are limited to independently (indie) published books, including those from small presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.

Submission Deadline: 12 Noon (EST), August 15th. (Winners are announced by November 30th of each year.)

  • The Best Indie Book Award® is a legitimate writing competition. Entries will be judged based on multiple writing skills, which include story-telling ability, author’s ability to engage the reader, transitions, hooks, pacing, movement of the story, author’s skill with voice, character, dialogue, narrative, grammar, and punctuation. Note: You are competing against other entrants.
  • Entries must be independently published (self-published), or published by a qualifying small press. (Please see our FAQ page for more information.)
  • Books that are not accepted: Works that are under a conventional publishing contract with a major publisher. (HarperCollins, Harlequin, etc.)
  • *No hardcore erotica.
  • Books must be in English and currently available to the public.
  • Please read the F.A.Q. and Terms before entering.
  • Note: This is the BIBA® literary contest; we do NOT judge the cover image. (For Covers, see the Cover Design Award.)

Official BIBA® Entry Form:

Entry Fee: $75 USD (Per Category

Author Or Representative?

Authors or Representatives are eligible to enter a book. If you are the author, please skip this box and proceed to the next field.

If you are a publisher, book promotor, or representative entering on behalf of the author, please provide your (1.) Name (2.) Email (3.) Phone Number (4.) Relationship to the author. Otherwise, leave blank. We also require the author’s correct email in the next section.

Author’s Real Name

For administrative purposes. (We do not share this information with third parties.)

Author’s Contact Email *

Please provide us with the author’s correct email address. (Please make sure it is correct.) *Use only lowercase letters. If you are a representative of the author, you are still required to provide the author’s direct email. Please note: Yahoo and AOL addresses are not well-supported. If you use either, you may not receive mail from us. This is no fault of ours, but rather a problem within AOL and/or Yahoo.

Author’s Mailing Address *

The AUTHOR’s mailing address is required to enter. Please type the Author’s full mailing address. (We only ship awards directly to the author, not representatives.)

Phone Number *

(In case we have any questions about your entry.)

Book Title *

Author Name *

Name the book was written under. (Real Name, Pen Name etc.)

Book Description *

(The Book Blurb Only) This is for promotional purposes only. Do not put reviews or prologues on the form. Only the book blurb.
*Tip: You can click and hold the bottom right corner of the text area and drag it down to make it bigger.

Genre(s) *

Choose one or more that apply. *More categories, more chances!

See more about splitting categories Here.
See more about how the Non-Fiction category works Here.
See more about Trilogy entries Here.

Trilogy Category

*If you entered the Trilogy category above, please provide the book’s genre here. Trilogy is not a genre. It is a category for payment of judging 3 books sold under one cover. The trilogy will be evaluated in the genre you note. See more about Trilogy entries Here.

Children’s Book Age Range

If this is a children’s book, what is the intended age range?
(*Only for children’s books.*)

Authors, please use this space to note the targeted age range for your children’s book. And indicate if this is a picture book or a chapter book.

Publication Date *

Enter Year. (We accept all publication dates.)

Publisher *

Name of publisher. (If you published the book yourself, or you own the publishing company, type “Self”.)

Your Book File

Select a file for upload. (Mobi, Doc, Docx, ePub, or PDF) Do NOT gift us a Kindle book. Please follow the instructions as outlined here. We do not accept gifted Kindle books, or links to read books online, or locked books. No watermarked files.

(For PDF: Single page only. No double-facing page book block versions.)

Please name your file with author name and book title before uploading. (Example: CharlesDickens-OliverTwist.doc )
Please upload your full book for entry. If you have any problem uploading your file, please submit the form without it and then email the file, including the name of the book and author to bestindiebookaward@gmail.com (If your file is too large to email, you can use a free Dropbox account and send a link to bibastaff@gmail.com.)

We are not accepting hard copies at this time.

(max file size 256 MB)

Chapter-by-Chapter Outline

*Not Required but helpful* Providing us with a chapter-by-chapter outline may help improve your ranking in the contest, but it is not required. (If you are not already familiar with writing a chapter-by-chapter outline, it is a good idea to become adept at doing so as most agents and publishers still want these.) Doc, docx or PDF formats allowed. Do not submit a blurb or table of contents in place of a chapter-by-chapter outline. (A chapter-by-chapter outline of your book means exactly that. Write a brief summary of every chapter that gives us the plot points and what the character is experiencing. Make sure you head each summary with the Chapter number.) See #21 of the FAQs for more.

(max file size 256 MB)

Available from: (Amazon or other website link) *

This should be a website link to where the book is available. We prefer a link to where the book is for sale on Amazon.
(Example: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061124958)

Author Website Address

A link to your website. Should start with http:// or https:// (example: http://mywebsite.com ) If you don’t have a website, you can use your author profile page on Amazon.

Terms *

By submitting an entry, you agree to our Terms, and you understand that this is a contest and that no refunds are given. See Full Terms Here (Opens in separate window.)

Uploading or Emailing File(s)? *

(Please note: If uploading your book file using this form, the file will begin to upload after you click the Add to Cart button below.) You will be taken to the cart once this process has been completed. The time it takes will depend on the size of the file and your internet connection. (It may take up to several minutes.) If you have any problems with uploading your files, please submit the form without them and then email the files, including the name of the book and author to bestindiebookaward@gmail.com (If your file is too large to email, you can use a free Dropbox account and send a link to bibastaff@gmail.com.)


🏆 The annual Best Indie Book Award (or BIBA®) is an international literary award contest recognizing self-published authors.

Entries are limited to independently (indie) published books, including those from small presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.

Join the ranks of previous Best Indie Book Award® winners and compete to win a BIBA®. Previous winners include USA Today and New York Times best-selling authors, movie producers, actors, and independent authors from around the globe.

Winners Will Receive:

  • The Best Indie Book Award® Emblem to proudly display on their website and book cover. The emblem can be used to promote your book wherever you like.
  • A physical Best Indie Book Award® trophy to display at book signings, in their office, or at home.
  • Their winning book featured in advertising, email, social networks, and promoted by other means.
  • Their book is displayed on the front page of the Best Indie Book Award® website, and listed on the permanent, archived “Winners” page of this site.
  • Ongoing Promotion of the winning book through social media, print advertising, online advertising, email lists, and more. (100,000+ followers)
  • Winners can proudly mention their award everywhere, including in their book blurb and bio.
  • Added to the BIBA® Winners list on Goodreads.
  • Custom Promotional Images to use.
  • Promotion across multiple websites.

Book Of The Year Award

The BIBA Book of the Year Cash Prize for 2024 has now risen to $2,000.00 U. S. dollars.

What Is The BIBA Book of the Year Cash Prize Award?

When you enter the BIBA contest, if you win in any category, your book will automatically be entered into the BIBA Book of the Year competition.  Each year, irrespective of category or whether or not the book is fiction or non-fiction, BIBA judges will select one Book of the Year from the winning authors’ pool.  In addition to the BIBA trophy for the category won, this single BIBA Book of the Year winner will also receive the BIBA Book of the Year $500 (USD) cash prize. We begin each year with the cash prize at $500 U.S. Dollars; this prize may, or may not, increase during the year, depending on the number of entries we receive in any given year. In addition, this cash prize is paid out in United States dollars. If you are in a different country and you win the Book of the Year and receive this cash prize, due to your country’s exchange rate, you may receive more, or less, in your country’s currency than the amount paid out by BIBA in USD. We do not add more to the cash prize to offset your country’s exchange rate. This cash prize is paid out via Paypal. But again, only one winner per year is chosen from all the BIBA winners in that contest year.

See FAQs

International Book Award, United States, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Norway, Indie Book Awards, Writing Awards, Writing Contests


Additional information


Best Indie Book Award